An Immersive Experience...

Tell Me, Inge… is an immersive, conversational XR experience built around the recollections of Holocaust survivor Inge Auerbacher. Born on December 31, 1934 in Kippenheim, Germany, Inge was deported to the Theresienstadt Ghetto (Terezin) at the age of 7, along with her mother and father.

Viewers can experience Inge’s testimony in VR, and 360 Web XR and use their voice to ask Inge questions. As they do they inhabit Inge’s memories of Terezin and of the family, friends and strangers whose stories she still carries with her. The project combines StoryFile’s ‘Conversational Video AI’ technology with 3D, 360-degree hand-drawn animation.

Produced by StoryFile in collaboration with Meta, Tell Me, Inge… uses groundbreaking technology to bring Inge’s story to life in a personal, human way.

In 2022, StoryFile and Meta joined together to create an educational experience for Holocaust remembrance, combining Conversational Video AI technology with the immersive impact of VR & WebXR.

Tell Me, Inge… centers Holocaust survivor Inge Auerbacher’s experience and memory. The experience is both in German and English.

“We must speak out against evil and injustice. Let us build bridges of understanding and love to join mankind in every land.”

From her book 'I am a Star'